Moschino Uomo? – Olfactive Nostalgia (Olivier Cresp, 1997)

Scentrack: Jovanotti - Serenata Rap

Source: Moschino


Moschino Uomo? was released back in 1997, the year I finished elementary school. When I look back at the year it seems like a distant dream, a memory of some other person implanted in my brain. Everything seems fuzzily and indistinct, but I can clearly recall the general happy feeling of hanging out with my old gone friends or gatherings with all the members of my family. Such happy, sunny, and naïve days. This sunny vibe Moschino Uomo? gives me. Sometimes it's sad to wear such a happy fragrance with this past-times melancholy, but luckily Uomo? for me is usually an uplifting, happy and vivid creation.

Moschino Uomo? opens with a brisk and fresh kick of Mediterranean bergamot accompanied with a touch of pepper and extremely clean aldehydes. Under this introductory fresh kick, hidden are some woody cedar-like nuances. The composition gradually morphs into a very interesting and distinctive way. It becomes more floral and warmer. The cinnamon note becomes more pronounced paired with just a hint of warm and cozy labdanum. The base is simple but gorgeous. Clean musk with some beautiful ambergris tendencies.

Nowadays Uomo? is mostly overlooked and located on bottom shelves. However, I strongly advise giving a chance to this happy and nostalgic creation.


Longevity / Projection

Solid (6-10 hours) / Soft


A suggested wearing

Spring or summer/ Daytime or evening



Burberry Touch for Men – similar musky vibe

Amouage Reflection Men – same general olfactory sketches

Costume National Homme – amped up winter version based on cinnamon



Easy to wear and likable

Extremely happy creation

Interesting, unusual notes      

Reasonably priced

Nice bottle



Too nostalgic for some



